Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So its already been a month

Its been really busy - as an update, we just had spring break not too long ago. Most of which I spent tired and sleeping I think. I think I was trying to make up for the lost sleep since school started. I also managed to read some and that was fantastic. Anyway, the chickens are going well. Although, I had my first brush with a bit of reality.

During spring break, I went to check on them and one was cozy in its coop. I thought it was sleeping... well it wasn't. I did the whole tap and shake. That was a bit disturbing. She had died, possibly during the night, egg bound. That means she was trying to lay an egg and couldn't. It got stuck and killed her. *sigh* I know thats a part of life and all but that was very weird.

Anyway, so there is like 6 weeks left to go. I look forward to the end of this semester - if nothing else so that I can start working - I hope to work at a small animal hospital or such setting... something like over 90% of vet techs end up in the small animal hospitals (aka dogs and cats). We had a guest speaker (two actually) from the Los Angeles Zoo and they basically told us, its near impossible to get a job there... no surprise I guess. And here, the local shelters can't hire fast enough... so we shall see what turns up.

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