Thursday, December 4, 2008


So my stay at the last job lasted all of 2 months... eh.  Turned out he didn't need a legal assistant but a book keeper. 

Anyway, now I am working for a bankruptcy attorney and I have to say the job is quite interesting... thus far I enjoy talking to people on the phone and organizing people's lives into little boxes with numbers.  

Too tired to write much else right now - plus sore throat - which is making me tired. In the hopes that this one will last more than 8 weeks... I guess only time will help.  

Sunday, October 5, 2008


About a little over a week ago I started my new job.  I work in the Law Offices of Mark Waecker, downtown Los Angeles.  No, no its not as an attorney - and quite happily so.  I think my position is secretary/office manager.  Its refreshing to have a job where the boss listens to your ideas and respects his staff.  Although the position is more office work than legal work - that seems to be perfect for me.  Who knew - Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn't have been better served going to J.C. for office management, secretary, or hr.  Whatever, water under the bridge, right? 

Anyway, thats it for today.  I submitted a short story to the drabblecast. Maybe Norm will produce it. That would be pretty awesome! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why is it so hard?

Writing a cover letter I mean.  Of course this means I am still looking for a job.  Per the recommendations of a few close ones, I've decided to beat the pavement and start asking around.  That in of itself is a nightmare of sorts.  I think the word "demoralizing" comes to mind. Hence, the cover letter issue.  I just wish it was easier than it is.  I mean if you think about it - who can't toot their own horn? Me apparently.  

Anyway, still looking for a legal assistant position.  

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Strategy

Here I am, just hanging out in my bed - writing about my adventures thus far.  Reminds me of scenes from Sex and the City, Carrie Shaw - except I am not so fortunate to own an overpriced apartment in New York City, or able to have get-togethers like Friends.  

Anyway, so today after much discussion and soul searching I've figured out a few things.  First, I can't didn't whatever the job in Gardena that I thought I should get.  Just like the first date shouldn't determine one's opinion of dating in general - so goes for temp agencies I think.  I wanted to work close to home and they wanted to send me to Gardena.  Ergo, I decided to sign up with different ones downtown - that have clients downtown.  I hope that I will be able to find a way to work in a steady stream.  Not to mention, I hope that I find the right niche for me.  Currently I am very interested in areas of law dealing with elders and animals. I know, not exactly the same sides of the coin.  But really, I think working on wills/trusts might be a good fit.  However, I have a law degree - not a paralegal certificate or legal assistant training.  I don't know where that leaves me, but for the time being, I figure I will simply have to hope that what I do know is enough to continue building experiences.  

So does anyone out there know of anyone downtown L.A. that could use a temp in that area? 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

So Close and Yet So Far

I was so close, so close to getting a job that seemed viable.  A part-time position as a legal assistant to a solo practitioner.  But we had found each other through a staffing agency and they wanted a really really big cut of the money that I was supposed to make.  So, it was a no go, and because of an agreement that both the attorney and I signed, I would be unable to work for him for a year, if not through the agency itself.  That really bummed me out.  

So currently, I am still looking.  I'm almost tempted to post my resume online just to see if anybody would be interested. I won't do that yet... but we'll see I guess.  

Anyway, on a happier note, I've been playing Super Mario Galaxy and its pretty awesome! 

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beware of OSP Communications!

Here’s a new rant. Having just recently been let go from a job, I decided to do things that I had put off. For example, I scheduled all the doc appointments I had been putting off and looking over the pile of crap on my desk that needed to be organized.

Throughout this organization – I found my desk underneath the mess on it, and I discovered something in an old AT&T bill. It was listed under the section “The Billing Resource.” Basically, AT&T allows third parties to charge through them (I guess). So anyway, I had a “collect call” charge to my account from Van Horn, TX. “Billed on behalf of OSP Communications.” I will be disputing this charge when businesses open on Tuesday, but for the time being, I am simply livid that this happened. At first I was totally confused, until I looked at where if you click on the following you’ll see that these people have done it to others. CLICK HERE

I don’t know anyone from Van Horn TX, I can’t receive collect calls because my home line is only connected to a fax and I realize I should have checked over my bill sooner. Although ebills are more convenient, I am also finding it easy to simply pay it and not worry about the individual charges. So for what its worth, in this day and age when information (private or otherwise) is easily available to anyone, check everything – your credit, your bills, and your mail.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

And the Meandering Continues

So, it turns out that veterinary technician school was not for me. Since my last blog - which I realize was written approximately 5 months ago, much has happened.  I volunteered at a vet hospital over the summer.  I don't quite know the reason for my thinking that it would be all about helping the puppies or kittens - after all it is a hospital and things die in hospitals.  

The thing is, I was having a problem with the euthanasia part of it.  I mean really, its okay, I get it if the dog or cat is like 20 years old, incontinent and can't walk without crying.  What about someone who is willing to put down their animal because they don't want to deal with it anymore? That is not okay.  I freaked out.  

So I have gone back to doing what I thought I could be good at - law office.  Not so my dear Watson.  Apparently, even there I can't seem to get my footing. After less than five weeks - I was let go, due to incompatible styles (nice way of saying I didn't agree with the bosses).  

Anyway, so now here I am, its Labor Day weekend and I am job-less.  I have posted my resume and the like online in the hopes that someone, who I can get along with will notice it, and my credentials and maybe offer me a job, preferably downtown, so I can be relatively close to home. 

Anyway, that seems to be the updates for now... not that anyone is reading this, but meh - it gives me a forum to vent and leave it. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

So its already been a month

Its been really busy - as an update, we just had spring break not too long ago. Most of which I spent tired and sleeping I think. I think I was trying to make up for the lost sleep since school started. I also managed to read some and that was fantastic. Anyway, the chickens are going well. Although, I had my first brush with a bit of reality.

During spring break, I went to check on them and one was cozy in its coop. I thought it was sleeping... well it wasn't. I did the whole tap and shake. That was a bit disturbing. She had died, possibly during the night, egg bound. That means she was trying to lay an egg and couldn't. It got stuck and killed her. *sigh* I know thats a part of life and all but that was very weird.

Anyway, so there is like 6 weeks left to go. I look forward to the end of this semester - if nothing else so that I can start working - I hope to work at a small animal hospital or such setting... something like over 90% of vet techs end up in the small animal hospitals (aka dogs and cats). We had a guest speaker (two actually) from the Los Angeles Zoo and they basically told us, its near impossible to get a job there... no surprise I guess. And here, the local shelters can't hire fast enough... so we shall see what turns up.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wow, its been a while

Needless to say I have been very very busy. I started 6 classes, and well, that wasn't the smartest move. I thought, what the hell, its community college, how hard could it possibly be? Well... I have at least one test and one quiz a week, sometimes two or three. I go to campus at least 5 days out of the week (including Sunday mornings) but honestly I am loving it.

Granted, I am not working and I still sometimes feel like I have burn out from all of my previous endeavors but I truly love this subject matter and the animals too.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Whew - first few days of class

So, I have been in class for two days and already I can tell its going to kick my butt.

I am taking:

Anatomy and Physiology of Animals (includ lab)
Principles of Animal Science
Animal diseases and health control
Orientation to Vet Tech (and medical terminology)
Animal Care Experience

I have some great teachers. I look forward to the classes. Speaking of which, I need to go study before dinner.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Beginning of a new week

So, it is the beginning of a new and possibly historical week. First off, we have the California primaries on "Super Tuesday." Second, I begin classes in a science field - Vet Tech. Third, my mother is coming back from a long stay in Seoul to visit for a few weeks because it is my maternal grandmother's official 80th birthday, that is a big deal in any culture I think. Zeus also just got his yearly shots.

Ok, so first of all, this year has been very interesting politically. I remember when I first went to vote in 2000. I lived in TN at the time and thus, it became an issue of voting for - yes, a Republican. Since then, I have become very disillusioned with the Republican party - what with its anti-tolerance and stiff policies. I mean, honestly, I don't think religion has a place in politics. I think politics can be governed by mere universal values. For example, for all those right-wingers who say that we are a Christian nation - well I've got news for you, the country was founded by Deists, not very Christian the way we know it. I see it this way, the reason our nation is so great is because we are free to believe what we want to without persecution. If we begin implementing theocratic principles, then we are no better then the nations that we claim are our enemies. Anyway, so here I am now more or less a democrat or actually an independent because honestly, I don't know who would be the best leader. Many people who are elected to office end up doing their own thing anyway... like some leaders we know.

Anyway, enough of the soap box. So tomorrow I begin classes and I truly look forward to them. Since I am waitlisted for most, I won't know until Tuesday which classes I will end up taking. If all goes well, I'll be done by Spring 2009. If not, then it could be Spring 2010 because of prerequisite courses that I need to take. Anyway, we shall see. Zeus got his shots at a vaccine clinic run by Ambassador Dog and Cat Hospital. My husband took him to them because we figured they would be cheaper. For a full run of shots (all the boosters that he needed) it cost about 40 dollars, which around here is pretty reasonable. However, Gabe tells me that it felt like an automatic car wash. He was called in, two (I'm assuming vet techs) showed up. Not even a hi, how are you and stuck my puppy. Ok.... so maybe bedside manners aren't required... maybe they were busy who knows. I just don't think that is really an acceptable way to treat my pet.

As for my grandmother, she is now 80 and we had a birthday party bash (sortof) last year because we were afraid she wouldn't make it to this year. So now here we are - she happens to be my last grandparent living. I imagine my mother (or her sister) will throw a small get-together and celebrate her life. She has been moderately sick for the past few years so we expect that it won't be too long and thus we celebrate each birthday like it would be her last...

Well, on that morbid note, I'll be signing off now. Off to get ready to go to church.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

While I still have time...

So it is late Tuesday evening - although I guess late would be a relative term. I figure I should contribute when I can for fear that once school starts I will no longer have time to post my random musings. Although this assumes that anyone is reading these postings. Having said that - there seems to be something about just putting it out there.

Today, Zeus my Pekingese/we-dunno, King Charles Spaniel maybe? son that is covered in fur and runs on four legs did something rather intriguing. He found a spider on the ground and began to follow it. He didn't eat it, mind you - just, well - looked at it. When it kept running away he decided that he would continue to snuff at it. Having said that, I now wonder, what happens should the spider (which it wasn't) turn out to be something like a black widow or a brown recluse? What should I do (other then flip out) if he were to be bitten? Do dogs get bitten by spiders? That was a rather odd thought that occurred to me. Which I hope will be answered in my studies and future work as a vet tech. I began reading for one of the classes that I hope to get in to next week, Introduction to Animal Science by Shapiro (who is also the instructor). The first few chapters feel like a review of general biology - what with the discussion of Punnett squares and cells. Reading this chapter also made me realize how little I knew about the cattle and farm aspects of animals. He points out that most urbanites (me included) only interact with animals in a pet-parent relationship or the like. Very true. In a future posting I have some musings about the two sides of the animal rights/welfare/research debate.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Tribute - Heath Ledger

Having watched him in A Knight's Tale and Brokeback Mountain, I have to say, I found him to be one of the most budding actors of our time. I am truly sad to see him go and know that he probably would have been one of our generation's great actors. My prayers and thoughts go out to his family, especially his little girl. Early toxicology reports say that he most likely died of sheer exhaustion leading to a heart attack. With so much going for him, it seems unlikely that drugs would be involved. He will be missed greatly by everyone who watched him on screen and I look forward to seeing him in the new Batman film - even if I can't recognize him under all that makeup.

Christopher Nolan's fitting tribute click here

Picture is a screen shot from the movie, Brokeback Mountain.

Welcome to my blog

I believe that my life has - meandered, sometimes without direction and other times with direction - but resulting in the need for a u-turn. Discovering that the best way to exorcise demons (so to speak) is to journalize the experiences and hopefully gain some feedback on them - I have begun this blog at a new juncture in my life.

To tell you a little about myself, I was born in a hospital in Flushing, NY. Initially there were only two children and then when I was nine, my second brother, Paul was born. The first nine years of my life I spent in various parts of New York City, Long Island and New Jersey. Being Korean, my mother did what all good Koreans parents do - and sent my older brother and me to Korean school. I distinctly remember thinking - "why do I have to learn this language? Its not like I'm ever going to need it." Well, six months after I made that comment, my brother and I boarded a plane to Seoul, South Korea and my mother stayed behind to have Paul.

Living in Korea had its ups and downs. I attended foreign schools and Korean schools. I learned Korean and cursive writing in English. I spent approximately 8-9 years in Korea. I graduated from Seoul Foreign High School and my parents decided that I would be best served to attend school in the United States. By this time, I had no experience or particular connection with the US. As such, I resisted the idea and truly wanted to attend a college in Korea. Looking back, I am glad that I made it back to the US after all. So, despite the fact that I am a US citizen, according to the people at FAFSA, I am out of state no matter where I go (no residence in the US) which resulted in me looking for a small school.

Small, Christian and in the middle of nowhere - that was my criterion. And that is how I ended up at Freed-Hardeman University. College turned out to be one of the best years of my life. I attended classes, went on missionary trips, made some life-long friends and even dated a few people. I graduated with Honors as a World Cultures major and Spanish & Missions minors. This basically meant - "So Sonia, what grad school are you going to?" It turned out to be one of those majors that one loves to have, but has practically no market value. They even took it off the official majors roster in my last year.

Everyone (meaning mentors and parents) thought it would be a great idea if I got in to law school. So, my mother, who had moved to California by this time, helped me move in with her and my brothers (my father remained in Korea) and I prepared for the LSAT. I made a decent score and applied to various school in California. Pepperdine and Loyola accepted me. I initially decided on Pepperdine but I had to wait something like 8 months to begin. In the meantime, I started a job at OfficeMax, working as a CopyMax associate.

During this period I dated a man much older then me and I at one point, thought we would be married. We met while I served as a missionary assistant in Korea during the summer after my first year of college. He was in the military and I was... well young. Anyway, suffice it to say, our relationship did not work out and instead he gave me the bright idea that I would do great in the military. By this point, I realized I truly did not want to go to law school. So I decided this would be a better deal.

I signed up with the California National Guard as a 97B. I figured I could do my part for God and country. During my training I busted an ankle and they decided that I was unfit for duty and discharged me. I have some good and bad memories of my military experience. However, the best thing that has ever happened to me happened while I was in - I met my husband, Gabe, in my unit. We met, dated for 5 years and then married earlier last year.

In the meantime, I decided to go back to law school. But this time, I chose Loyola Law School instead. I hated it. To be fair - I loved learning about the law and find ways to apply it often. However, with Gabe in Iraq at the time and realizing that I did not (nor ever wanted) to be an attorney, I had a miserable time in law school. The best part became my part-time job in the library. This helped me decide that I probably wanted to be a librarian. So, in my final year of law school, I took one class per semester at San Jose State University's library program. It seemed the logical way to incorporate my law school education and my love of reading.

But in another turn of events, I discovered that I found library work - monotonous. I accepted a job with my school's library after I graduated from law school. Perhaps due to the lack of cohesion with my co-workers or maybe due to the difficulty of maintaining an interest in things that began to bore me, I became very unhappy and depressed. Don't get me wrong, I got along very well with most of the staff. There were just a few persons who seemed to find ways to make my life difficult. Anyway, becoming very dissatisfied, this past Christmas, Gabe and I sat down and thought long and hard about what else I could be doing to have a more nourishing career...

Recently, about a year ago this month, we came upon a puppy (which I will have to post another time) and decided to keep him. We named him Zeus, and he is our baby. Having him reminded me that I loved pets very much. So, that is how we came upon the decision that I would probably be happier (and have a more interesting day) working as a veterinary technician. Thus, my meanderings this far have led me to this point. I begin the RVT program at Los Angeles Pierce College in Woodland Hills, a week from today. My goal is to finish all pre-requisites for the program between now and the summer. Then, hopefully I will accepted into the program proper and be able to begin that in the fall. If all works out well, I will be done with the program in the Spring or Summer of 2009. At which point, I hope to begin a career in a mid-large animal hospital.

Hopefully, my posts will not always be this long. Just updates and perhaps stories that I do not mind sharing with the world. If you have any comments, questions or concerns - please feel free to post them. As you can see, it has taken me a long time to get to where I am - but hopefully that means that I will have a surer footing for the future.